Monday, December 1, 2008

Western Lowland Gorilla

A silverback Western Lowland Gorilla named "Wanto" - born at the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle. Wanto was hand raised by zoo keepers and slowly introduced to a troop of gorillas at the zoo.

He used to wave at visitors and throw dirt at researchers. I had to duck a few sticks and rocks - he had a good sidearm throwing motion. He also would clap his hands a few times, fold his arms, then sit back and watch the visitors clapping.

Wanto, who sometimes considered himself more human than gorilla because of his early nurturing by park attendants, was born at the zoo Dec. 14, 1976. Wanto's most difficult problem was to gain the acceptance of the Woodland Park gorilla troop. He did not do so until he was 7, according to the Seattle-PI. Read more